How to use Coffee Radar

Welcome to Coffee Radar! With the latest release, version 1.0.2, I think it’s time to add a basic tutorial on how to use the website. At some point, I’ll create a proper onboarding process. But right now, this is all you need to know. Coffee Radar is organized in 4 main templates: search, single café, […]

The Genesis of Coffee Radar

As a developer and coffee lover, I’ve always been frustrated with the lack of precision regarding coffee shop ratings. In August 2021, while on holiday in Cyprus, an idea struck me. What if there was a website that could show rates for the coffee quality of a place? Not the service, not the food, not […]

👋 Feedback?

If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas on how to improve Coffee Radar, you can use this feedback form. I will use your email address only to reply to you, if necessary. It will not be added to any sort of mailing list or notification system, and it will never be used for any kind of marketing communication.