Mister Coffee Bistrò

Via Riva di Reno 65M, 40122, Bologna - Italy 🇮🇹
🥇 Best Café In Town
Top Rated V60

What People Say

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Located in Bologna, Italy, Mister Coffee Bistrò establishes its unique niche as a specialty café with exceptional filter coffees. Its commitment to offering unparalleled beverages sets it in a league of its own, making it a go-to destination for those in search of something truly unique.

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Coffee Quality

Espresso Rate
  • 5
  • 5
Filtered Coffee
  • 5
Other Coffee Drinks
Milk Availability
Regular Milk

Location Info

Coffee House Size
Medium - 9 to 20 seats
Baristas Friendliness

Work & Study

Electrical Outlets
No outlets
Wifi Auth Method
Not enough data.
Area Avg Internet Speed
75.42 Mbps
General Wifi Speed
Not enough data.

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