Coffee Syndicate
What People Say
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This coffee shop offers a unique and creative atmosphere, with an interior design that stands out through its use of simple colors and materials. The space is laptop-friendly, making it a suitable spot for digital nomads and students, with many visitors seen working on their laptops.
The coffee selection is well-regarded, with options like cappuccino, espresso tonic, and single-origin Americano being highlighted. Specialty drinks such as cold brew with non-alcoholic gin and tonic, and espresso martini are also available. The eclairs, particularly the lavender and white chocolate, and the lemon eclair, are popular choices.
The café features large windows that offer beautiful street views and plenty of natural light, enhancing the overall ambiance. The staff generally receive positive remarks for their friendliness and service, and the prices are considered reasonable.
Coffee Quality
- 5
- 5
- 5
Location Info
Work & Study
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