AI Content Authenticity Statement

Version 1.1 – 20 July 2024

Hi! I’m Matt Bonacini the designer and developer of Coffee Radar. This page was written by a real human, me 🙂 and it describes what content is generated with AI on this website.

All content generated by AI is marked with this callout and its specific icon:

The main descriptions present in coffee shop pages have been generated with AI. Real anonymized reviews about all places listed on this website are processed by a variety of generative AI models. The generated coffee shop summaries address two specific goals:

1) Summarize what people recently said about a specific café, and help you find your favorite Coffee Shop, especially in cities you’ve never been before. For obvious reasons, these summaries tend to focus on positive reviews. Coffee Radar does not intend to criticize or diminish the hard work done by coffee shops.

2) Coffee Radar in the long term aims to list thousands of places all over the world. I believe that writing summaries of user reviews, manually, should not be work that any human should do. It’s tedious, and it’s boring.

What content is added by humans on Coffee Radar?

All fields listed under the main three sections in single café pages: Coffee Quality, Location Info, Work & Study are the result of information shared by real users with their own reviews.

At the moment the only exception is the Area Avg Internet Speed value, which is not generated by AI but obtained automatically by a 3rd party APIs. And it’s the result of real speed tests.

The main objective is always to showcase what real people said

Coffee Radar is new, and completely unknown to the public. I’m the only designer and developer behind this project, and I work on it in my free time. To provide you with useful content we need to rely on every tool that can help, ethically, in showing useful information.

I think that reading a bunch of reviews on Maps or similar every time you want to visit a new place is boring, and requires more time than it should. Even without users, with AI we can get at least a summary that most of the time is quite precise.

Anyway, AI can still make mistakes. Real subjective user reviews will help in getting more accurate information about the coffee shops you visited. If you’re interested in sharing your experience and contributing to creating an accurate directory of the best Coffee Shops around the world, it doesn’t matter if you’re an owner or just a customer, you can register here with your google account and share your perspective.

Feedback is welcome

If you noticed mistakes, or if you have any ideas to integrate more useful data for individual cafés, or if you’re the owner of a listed café on Coffee Radar feel free to reach out. You can use this form.

You can also use the same form if you’re the owner of a café and you prefer to edit the description, or remove your business from Coffee Radar.

Version 1.1 – 20 July 2024